Press Release

New Analysis Highlights Impact of Economic Development Work in the Orlando Region

Six years of Orlando Economic Partnership work helped create 21,500 new direct jobs and $2.5 billion in capital investment.

A new independent economic analysis outlines the annual and cumulative economic and fiscal impacts that result from projects supported by the Orlando Economic Partnership (The Partnership) over the last six fiscal years. Findings reinforce the importance of sound economic development strategies that attract companies to the Orlando region, create jobs, and advance Broad-based Prosperity®.

The analysis shows that from FY2017 to 2022 the Partnership supported a total of 160 business projects, which are expected to create 21,500 new direct jobs with average annual wages of $73,600, significantly higher than even the current regional average of $57,400, as well as $2.5 billion in annual payroll and involve $2.5 billion in capital investment.

“The projects supported by the Partnership create permanent employment opportunities and compounding economic impacts,” said Partnership President and CEO Tim Giuliani.

“Ultimately these projects generate additional tax revenues for counties, cities, schools and other local taxing jurisdictions, help diversify the economy and advance Broad-based Prosperity®.”

Tim Giuliani, Orlando Economic Partnership President and CEO

Inclusive of spin-off impacts, these jobs and investment (when all in place) are estimated to support*:

  • An annual contribution to area GDP of $11.8 billion
  • Annual tax revenue of $31.8 million, of which $13.7 million goes directly to the Partnership’s government funding partners.

*Figures are annual averages over a 10-year period with 1.5 percent growth assumed.

Projects by sector include 43 headquarters, 36 technology, 26 advanced manufacturing, 18 aerospace and defense, 12 life sciences and healthcare, 4 logistics and distribution, and 21 in non-targeted industries. Most of these projects were new-to-market expansions, followed by local expansions, new-to-market relocations, retentions, and start-ups.

“This tremendous impact is a testament to the Partnership’s commitment to seizing the moment to grow and diversify an economy that works for everyone,” said Market President for Florida Blue’s Central Florida region and Partnership Board Chair Tony Jenkins.

“The Partnership plays a critical role in the Orlando region’s business community as a convener and catalyst for positive, inclusive growth that benefits all who call our region home.”

Tony Jenkins, Florida Blue Market President, Central Florida region, Partnership Board Chair

These findings are the result of an economic analysis performed by Impact DataSource, an Austin, Texas economic consulting, research, and analysis firm, using data from the Partnership. The analysis relies on a combination of historical and prospective estimates of business activity, some of which may not be realized. The Partnership made reasonable efforts to ensure that the project-specific data used in this analysis reflects realistic estimates of future activity.

“The job growth and creation of new taxes generated by Partnership-assisted projects are clear examples of what focused economic development effort with a relatively inexpensive investment can accomplish for the benefit of a community.”

Tim Giuliani, Orlando Economic Partnership President and CEO

“And we’re only getting started,” Giuliani said.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Justin Braun at 407.902.0211 or at