As part of Economic Development Week 2023, we’re hearing from CEOs and our investors who share the importance of economic development in the Orlando region
The Orlando Economic Partnership (the Partnership) is celebrating and recognizing the companies and local officials who support the work of economic developers to build a diverse regional economy during Economic Development Week from May 8 to May 12, 2023.
As part of our efforts, we’re speaking to CEOs and our investors to discuss the importance of economic development in the Orlando region.
Elizabeth Godwin, Senior Manager for Energy Recruitment with Duke Energy Florida, shares why Duke Energy is significantly invested in economic development and how it has an important impact on the communities it serves.
As an economic developer I do a variety of things, but really my goal is to recruit new businesses to the territory Duke Energy serves. I work with a number of economic development partners across Central Florida, including the Orlando Economic Partnership.
Elizabeth Godwin, Senior Manager for Energy Recruitment, Duke Energy Florida
Why is it important for Duke Energy to have an economic development team?
Duke Energy is significantly invested in economic development and we have been for decades. Our program has looking different over the years, but in the last year and a half we have really doubled down on economic development because it has such a significant impact on our customers and the communities that we live in. Economic development brings jobs, it brings capital investment which helps to diversify the local tax base and we just see that has a huge benefit to our customers, the communities, and for our company and the new revenue that it generates.
Why do you love your job?
I love my job because every day is different. I get to work with such a variety of people. We say it a lot but it’s true: economic development is a team sport and I’m just super grateful that I get to work with the people that I do, including the fantastic team at the Orlando Economic Partnership.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
I think the most challenging part of my job, while it’s the fun part of working with so many different stakeholders, that can also be challenging to get in alignment, so just working with the different personalities, different goals, and trying all to come together for one purpose.
Why is economic development important to the Orlando region’s economy?
Economic development is incredibly important for our economy and economic development means different things for different people and all pieces are important. Having that diversified tax base, bringing in new jobs that are higher wage and help to elevate the entire community and really help to generate that Broad-based Prosperity® that we talk about so much. It’s a key component of that.
How does the partnership between Duke Energy and the Orlando Economic Partnership benefit the Orlando region?
I think the partnership between the Orlando Economic Partnership and Duke Energy is so important because we are both working toward the same goal, but we just bring different resources to the table. But together we help to elevate Central Florida as a location for business.