OEP1901 TechCommunity Logo RGB 1
MetaCenter Logo Hor Color 3

A core component of the Orlando Economic Partnership.

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In collaboration with the Orlando Tech Community, the Metacenter proudly invites you to join us for a night showcasing some of the amazing tech innovations our great city has to offer! Meet the community leaders responsible for spearheading the cutting-edge tech scene of central Florida.

Featuring Black Orlando Tech, Orlando Devs, Orlando Innovation League and Central Florida Tech Grove. This tenX tech event is open to all interested in the exciting innovations coming to Orlando. You will not want to miss the big announcements we will be sharing and partnership with the region’s brightest tech organizations.

We expect this to be one of our biggest events of the year, so RSVP today to secure your spot! Registration is FREE!


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Orlando Innovation League OIL 15
UCF TechGrove Logo Color Horizontal 17