This marks the first update to the Orlando Prosperity Scorecard since the COVID-19 pandemic

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Orlando Prosperity Scorecard, Navigating Disruption

The Orlando Economic Partnership’s (OEP) Market Intelligence team has released the 2023 update of the Orlando Prosperity Scorecard, Navigating Disruption. The data presented helps the region better understand how prosperity has been distributed in Orlando and where barriers to economic mobility linger, even at a time when typical measures of growth suggest economic success.

This marks the first analysis since the COVID-19 pandemic. The update serves as a mechanism to track economic performance and community development.

COVID-19 changed our way of life. And while the Orlando region has positioned itself post-pandemic in ways much stronger than before, there are still opportunities to do more.

Tim Giuliani, president and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership

Advancing Broad-based Prosperity® is the OEP’s goal. The OEP is focused on delivering inclusive economic growth that benefits all people and all places. Insight from data analysis show more jobs are being created in Orlando; however, the data also shows the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic could threaten future prosperity.

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Orlando Prosperity Scorecard, Navigating Disruption

The OEP hopes the Scorecard will guide strategies that shape a better, more prosperous and equitable future for the Orlando region. Included in the Scorecard are programs directly impacting future results and moving the needle to advance Broad-based Prosperity.

Together, we will continue addressing challenges in our community and seize opportunities to build a vibrant region for all.

Tim Giuliani, president and CEO of the Orlando Economic Partnership

Click here to learn more about the Orlando Prosperity Scorecard.